In lieu of trying to belong to any number of societies: Chesterton, Sherlock Holmes, the Inklings, and so on: I propose and establish one of my own. Don your intelligence cap at the door; dust off your logic and imagination; did you bring your inspiration and encouragement? We are shapers, my friends; lit lamps; light-bringers. Bring quotes; poetry should be uplifting and thoughtful, or witty and clever, (or both). Humor is encouraged; laughter is invited back. Pull up a chair. Anyone for tea?


Shout out to Adriene

Highly commend Yoga with Adriene to anyone looking to grow their home practice. She's all about Find What Feels Good, and tending to your body for gentle, systematic improvement. But in the space of a month, she can transform the way you look at exercise and stillness, confidence and patience.
Mobility, balance, strength, shape, all improve drastically with this steady, day-after-day practice.
I've been using her videos off and on for years, and have great enjoyed both her 30 days of yoga, and her 30 day yoga camp. Doing those thirty days in a row really helps to build a habit, and enables you to see results and the positive influence on your daily movement.
But I'm extra thrilled about her 31 day yoga revolution that I just finished. Not only is it a great way to keep the muscles from seizing up through these cold winter days and long work shifts, but it is an enormous help against the winter blues (cabin fever/seasonal affective disorder/etc), both in clearing the mind, and in strengthening your body for each day ahead.
Just as a little personal excitement, I've realized a great many changes just over the last month of doing the January revolution challenge. In addition to finding more ease in downward dog, dandasana, and even plank, I've been able to improve my balance in tree, and vakasana, even started growing my eight-angle-pose! And as I go, the practice of the breath assists both strength and relaxation, spinal health and posture improve, and I'm just much more ready to face February.
Did I mention Adriene's funny and laid-back?

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