In lieu of trying to belong to any number of societies: Chesterton, Sherlock Holmes, the Inklings, and so on: I propose and establish one of my own. Don your intelligence cap at the door; dust off your logic and imagination; did you bring your inspiration and encouragement? We are shapers, my friends; lit lamps; light-bringers. Bring quotes; poetry should be uplifting and thoughtful, or witty and clever, (or both). Humor is encouraged; laughter is invited back. Pull up a chair. Anyone for tea?


An unexpected week

 So. Phase three of Covid-19 is something else, huh? I write to you from quarantine, locked in a beautiful room, figuring out when my employees can all go back to work, and reading Georgette Heyer.
Many of you know that during the original lockdowns early this year, I was one of the fortunate few who were able to work all the way through it. I was never officially quarantined... until now. I got tested on an off chance, and it came back positive, which really did a number on the Holiday Drink Launch at work.
The good news is, I have a week to work on all those projects...
Coming off the stress of last week, I'm not exactly sorry for a chance to do nothing. And honestly, I have enough projects to last me a long time. Longer than this quarantine will give me. So far, I've read a whole book, watched a few movies (mostly Christmas movies), finished the felt-pen sketches for my picture-book illustrations (still have to watercolor and assemble), and started folding paper so I can cut out snowflakes. I still have a crochet project to start, I plan to sew new masks for the festive season...
First I'm going to sleep off this headache, and then we'll see what accomplishments and what rest this week has to offer.
Peace be with you all. Take care of each other. Wash your hands and wear your masks and keep your gatherings small. But draw your circles large with love and openness, and even though our large circles will have to be long-distance, virtual, and different... keep reaching out, pouring out love, offering up prayer. We all need each other, even more so this year. We're made for connection. 
See you back here soon,

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