In lieu of trying to belong to any number of societies: Chesterton, Sherlock Holmes, the Inklings, and so on: I propose and establish one of my own. Don your intelligence cap at the door; dust off your logic and imagination; did you bring your inspiration and encouragement? We are shapers, my friends; lit lamps; light-bringers. Bring quotes; poetry should be uplifting and thoughtful, or witty and clever, (or both). Humor is encouraged; laughter is invited back. Pull up a chair. Anyone for tea?


A time to savor

Don't mind the scribbles below . . . just thought I'd try my hand at being flowery. :)

These days are golden--this time when summer, though not at its broadest or most torrid heights, attains a sharper and more poignant note, just when September is about to turn the corner. Lest we should forget summer's intense beauty and color, he likes to put on an extra show of brilliance before he wanes. The breezes are deeper and fruitier than those of June, but without a trace of Octobers keen edge. The cerulean gleam of clear sky sets off the summer foliage with almost a golden tinge. It is a time to savor and cherish and breathe into your lungs before summer plunges into autumn like a waterfall into an azure pool.

admiring the knitting, and the stitch markers

We are watching Nigella on the computer in the background. . . so it doesn't detract from the coziness.


Heather @ Simple Wives said...

Beautiful pictures!

Jodi said...

Oh my, Olivia. If this is your try of being flowery, I say keep blooming. I'm always deeply touched when I visit you and you sister and mama. Bless you, my Hobbit friend.

Olivia said...

Bless you back, dear Hobbit friend. Your encouragement means a great deal to me!
(I'd invite you to my hobbitish birthday party if it weren't so far... :)

Olivia said...

Thank you, Heather!

Melissa said...

Goodness. Call me a fan of your brand of flowery. I love to read your poetic prose. And look at your pictures. So glad you're here, Livi.

Julian said...

a Hobbitt birthday? Aw what fun!!!!! Must show pics! I have missed your posts, so I am thoroughly happy this morning! Cute shoes, and lovely stacks of books:)

Jodi said...

I'd come if it weren't so far. I'll be there in spirit ;)